Important Dates
1. Extended deadline for abstract submission - 21 June 2024
2. Notification of acceptance - by 16 July 2024
3. E-poster must be received by - 6 August 2024
General Instructions
All interested individuals can submit scientific abstract for the conference and note that all abstract must be submitted via online submission system.
Participating authors whose abstracts are accepted must register and pay for the scientific conference by the registration deadline. If registration is not settled, the abstracts will be withdrawn from the scientific programme.
Eligibility Criteria
- Abstract must be of original research and should NOT have been presented or published at any local or international scientific journal and conferences.
- Participants may submit more than ONE abstract.
- Abstracts must be in English and follow the abstract submission guidelines as stated.
- The Scientific Committee reserves the right to disqualify abstracts which do not comply to the guidelines provided.
Submission Guidelines
- All abstracts must be submitted online via
- Hard copy submissions will not be accepted. For any issues with abstract submission or if there is a need to amend the submission, kindly contact the conference secretariat at Please do not submit multiple copies of the same abstract.
- Abstracts can be submitted under any of the following categories:
- Public Health
- Biomedical
- Clinical
- Others
Please identify the most relevant categories of your abstract.
- Mode of presentation of all accepted abstracts is an E-poster presentation. A total of 10 e-posters from each category will be selected for a rapid-fire session during the conference and the number of shortlisted abstracts is subject to change.
- Please provide your full NMRR ID (or any equivalent registration, please specify) for research involving Ministry of Health staff and/or facilities.
- The Scientific Committee will apply for the Director General’s approval to present findings for all accepted abstracts.
- Abstracts must be submitted by 11.59pm (MYT, GMT+8) of 21 June 2024. Late submissions or incomplete abstracts will not be accepted.
Abstract Format
- The abstract should not exceed 300 words limit and include the following headings:
Original article
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion/Conclusions
Case Report
- Case description
- Conclusion
- Author(s)’ name must be written in FULL. Do not include professional titles or degrees. List any institutional affiliation, state, and country.
- Abstract title must be in UPPER CASE, e.g. “CARDIOVASCULAR PROBLEMS IN COMMUNITY SETTINGS”. Title should be brief and clearly indicate the content of the abstract.
- Do not include graphs, tables, figures, or references in the abstract.
- An abbreviation must be defined by placing it in parenthesis after the full word for the first time it appears.
- The abstract must be submitted by the PRESENTING AUTHOR only.
- Only presenting authors who have been shortlisted will be eligible to compete for the rapid-fire E-poster presentation award. If interested, kindly indicate your intention to join the competition.
- Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical, or scientific errors because it will be published exactly
as submitted.
Abstract Review & Notification of Result
- All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee according to the review procedures.
- The decision of the scientific committee is final and no negotiations will be entered into with respect to any such decision.
- The secretariat will notify participants regarding the results of their submission by 16 July 2024 via email to the presenting author.
- If your abstract is accepted, you will be invited to register for the 15th MOH-AMM Scientific Meeting 2024 in conjunction with 25th NIH Scientific Conference.
Withdrawal policy
- If you would like to withdraw an abstract, kindly send an e-mail to the secretariat by 6th August 2024 at
- If the presenting author of the accepted abstract does not register by the deadline, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final programme.
- In case you have not heard from us, kindly check your spam folder before reaching out to us about your inquiry at